Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 was finally unveiled in India as the budget calling smartwatch. The smartwatch comes with Bluetooth Calling support, multiple sport modes, multiple watch faces, heart rate sensor, blood oxygen measurement, built-in games, up to 10 days battery life, water resistance, and more. Fire-Boltt recently revealed the Ninja Calling watch and now another watch with similar features goes official today.
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 Specifications and Features
ModelNinja Call 2
Launch Date02/03/2022 ( India )
Display1.7-inch TFT Display
Sport Modes27 sport modes
SensorsHeart Rate Sensor, Spo2 sensor,
Dimensions444.2 x 36.5 x 11.2mm
ConnectivityBluetooth 5.0
Water ResistanceIP67
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 flaunts a 1.7 inches TFT touchscreen display with 240 x 280 pixels resolution and comes with 200+ cloud watch faces. Sensors onboard, the smartwatch features heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen levels measurement, sleep monitoring, breathing exercises, and female health reminder. In terms of Dimensions, the gadget is 44.2 x 36.5 x 11.2mm and weighs 50 grams.
The smartwatch comes with built-in Walking, Running, Cycling, Skipping, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Climbing, Tennis, Rugby, Golf, Yoga, and more. The watch sports a mic and a speaker so you can make/receive calls via watch after connecting it with the smartphone with Bluetooth. You can also listen to favorite songs using the gadget’s microphone.
The Ninja Call 2 boasts Notifications support so you can get notifications of your selected apps. The company states that the watch can provide up to 5 days of battery life with Bluetooth Calling ON and 20 days standby time. The smartwatch sports an IP67 water resistance rating. Additionally, the gadget is supportable to Android devices with Android version 4.4 or above and iOS devices with iOS 8.0 or above, and inbuilt games like 2048, Thunder Battleship, and Young Bird.
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 Price and Availability
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 comes at a price of Rs. 2,999 and the company offered the watch in four color options namely Black, Blue, Red, Green, and Gray. The smartwatch is available to purchase via Flipkart.