Fire-Boltt Almighty smartwatch was announced in India as the new feature-rich watch offering from the Indian Smart gadgets manufacturer. The Watch Almighty comes with an AMOLED display, Sport modes, plenty of sensors, water resistance, voice assistance, and much more.
Fire-Boltt Almighty smartwatch Specifications and Features
- The smartwatch comes with a 1.4-inch circular AMOLED display with 454 x 454 Pixels resolution.
- It also has Always on Display support and multiple watch faces.
- The dial is built of Zinc Material while there is a leather strap.
- It has in built mic and speaker and it also comes with Bluetooth calling support so you can make and receive calls through the watch.
- The watch Almighty Supports Google/Siri Voice Assistance as well.
- The company states that the watch can provide 10 days of battery life on normal usage and 20 days of battery life in standby.
- Moving to the sensors, the smartwatch sports SpO2, Optical Heart Rate Sensor, Blood Pressure, Accelerometer, Barometer, Gyro Sensor, and Light Sensor.
- The Fire-Boltt Almighty boasts Bluetooth 5.0 for connectivity and is compatible with Adroid phones with Android version 4.4 or above and iOS devices with iOS 8.0 or above.
- It supports 11 sport modes including Outdoor Run, Indoor Run, Climb, Cycling, Walking, Spinning, Yoga, Basketball, Football, Badminton, and Free Training.
- In terms of Dimensions, the device measures 46.6 x 50.6 x 10.4mm and weighs 80 grams.
- The smartwatch is water resistance up to 1m.
- Additonally, the Watch Almighty supports Notification Alerts, Remote Camera Control, Stopwatch, Alarm, Weather Updates, Music Control, female health care, sleep monitoring, stress measurement, Step counter, and calorie counter.
Launch Date29/12/2021 ( India )
Display1.4-inch AMOLED Display
Sport Modes11 sport modes
SensorsHeart Rate Sensor, Spo2 sensor,
Blood Pressure, Accelerometer,
Barometer, Gyro Sensor,
Light Sensor
ConnectivityBluetooth 5.0
Water Resistanceup to 1m
Dimensions46.6 x 50.6 x 10.4mm
DeviceAndroid 4.4 or above, iOS 8.0 or above
PriceRs. 4,999
Fire-Boltt Almighty smartwatch Price and Availability
Fire-Boltt Almighty smartwatch comes with a price tag of Rs. 14,999 but the company is currently offering the watch for Rs. 4,999. The watch comes in five color options namely Black, Matte Black, Orange, Blue, and Brown. The Fire-Boltt Almighty is currently available for purchase via Flipkart.