Lifestyle Magazine
Todays post is by my sweet friend RaChell from Marriage Unstoppable ! She's great at sharing some great ideas to help you find your purpose through the difficulties that life can bring! There are times in life when you feel as if Life is handing you a bad hand. You may be dealing with the unexpected loss of a love one, a sick family member, an unwanted divorce, fertility issues; whatever the case may be, it seems to be unfair. And trust me, I can relate. I've been handed my share of hurt and pain that was enough to take me out; but instead I dug down deep and found a way to turn my pain into my passion. We often get so caught up in the bad of our situations that we don't see the good out of it. There is a positive in every situation. No, it does not feel good as we are going through, but on the other side of through is the good. We must the majority of what we go through is for someone else. People are always watching even when you don't see. They want to see how you handle this situation and how they can get though theirs. I attended a women's conference this summer and the theme was "Built for This". Just think about it, you were built for everything that comes your way. You are already equipped to handle any situation you may encounter, you just have to dig deep and pull out your tools. You must turn your pain into your purpose. Ask yourself, what am I passionate about; how can I help others? We often think there's nothing we can do to help or motivate others but our lives are living testimonies. There may be someone who is going through the same thing you are going through and need your help or guidance to get through. This is where you have to dig deep and figure out your purpose; how do I help others who are going through what I've been through. If your pain didn't take you out, then you need to figure out how to use it. You were assigned to it for a reason. I have a mentor who often quotes, "You are the answer to someone's question, the solution to someone's problem". Someone, somewhere is waiting on you to get that non-profit started, that business, a mentoring program; whatever it is that's on the inside of you that needs to come out. If you don't know how to get started, I suggest getting a Life Coach. A Life Coach can help you get through your pain to your purpose. I went through a tragic situation and turned my pain into my purpose. I started a blog and then became a certified Life Coach. If I can do it, so can you. We all have our purpose in life, we just have to walk in it! Don't let the pain and tragedies in life cause you to stop living but turn them into your purpose.