
Finding Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment for Piles

Posted on the 15 November 2021 by Fit And Safety Health Blog @fitandsafety

Finding Causes | Diagnosis and Treatment for Piles

Piles are medically termed haemorrhoids, and these are caused due to the inflammation of tissues in the anal area. The anal canal consists of blood vessels, muscles, and tissues that can get inflamed.

Piles are usually a collection of tissues and blood vessels that are inflamed, and they can differ in size and internal or external. Internal piles are usually present 3 to 4 centimetres inside the anal canal, and external piles appear on the edges and walls of the anus.

Symptoms of Piles

Usually, piles are not considered life-threatening; in a few cases, they can also resolve independently. The common symptoms of piles are:

  • Feeling a hard and painful lump around the anus, the lump contains coagulated blood. The lumps that contain blood are usually called thrombosed external hemorrhoids.
  • Usually, people with piles, even after bowel movements, can still feel full.
  • Blood is passed through the bowel movements.
  • The anal area is usually sore, itchy, and red.
  • Extreme pain while passing bowels.

Piles, when left untreated and can lead to serious symptoms including:

  • Extreme blood loss while bowel movements, which can lead to anaemia
  • Infection
  • Loss of control over bowel movements
  • Anal fistula
  • Strangulated haemorrhoids

Causes of Piles

The blood vessels in the anal area tend to swell due to the strain. Due to the high pressure and strain piles can cause:

  • Strain during bowel movements
  • Pending long hours on the toilet seat
  • Extreme diarrhoea or constipation
  • Being overweight
  • Pregnancy
  • Indulging in anal intercourse
  • Consuming low fiber food
  • Weight lifting

Diagnosis of Piles

Advanced Rectal Test

Your supplier embeds a gloved, greased up finger into the rectum to feel for enlarged veins.


Your supplier utilizes an anoscope (lit cylinder) to see the coating of the rear-end and rectum.


Your supplier utilizes a sigmoidoscope (lit cylinder with a camera) to see inside the lower (sigmoid) part of the colon and rectum. Method types incorporate adaptable sigmoidoscopy and inflexible sigmoidoscopy (proctoscopy).

These tests might be awkward yet aren’t agonizing. They commonly occur in a specialist’s office or short term place without sedation, and you return home that very day.

Your supplier might play out a colonoscopy to affirm discoveries from different tests or check for indications of colon disease. This short term methodology requires sedation.

Treatment For Piles

In less severe cases, haemorrhoids can be treated with home remedies and can help relieve pain.

High Fiber Food

Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. This way, it can help loosen the stools, which can help in avoiding straining during bowel movements. Ensure to slowly change the diet to avoid gas trouble. Get the best treatment for piles at the right hospital.

Topical Ointments

Few prescribed ointments can be applied to affected skin that can help in reducing inflammation.

Medical Procedures

External Haemorrhoid Thrombectomy

In case there is a superficial blood clot along with external piles, the Piles Specialist Doctor may suggest the removal of a haemorrhoid. This medical procedure involves local anaesthesia and is effective if done under 72 hours.

Minimally Invasive Medical Procedure

Rubber Band Ligation

Your primary care physician places a couple of rubber bands around the foundation of an internal haemorrhoid to stop its flow. Haemorrhoids shrink and tumbles off inside seven days.

Haemorrhoid banding can cause mild discomfort in few people and can cause mild to severe bleeding, which may begin two to four days after the procedure, which is actually rare. Though serious complications can occur.


A special medical fluid is injected into the haemorrhoid, which can help shrink it. Though the injection can cause mild discomfort and pain, it is ineffective like rubber band ligation.

Surgical Procedure

Not all piles need to undergo piles surgery and it is only recommended when the piles have turned severe and require medical assistance.

Hemorrhoidectomy: Picking one of the different strategies, your specialist eliminates extreme tissue that causes severe blood cells. The medical procedure should be possible with nearby sedation joined with sedation, spinal sedation or general sedation.

Hemorrhoidectomy is the best and complete way of treating extreme or repeating haemorrhoids. Inconveniences can incorporate transitory trouble purging your bladder, which can bring about urinary parcel contaminations. This confusion happens essentially after spinal sedation.

The vast majority have some discomfort after the technique, which drugs can assuage. Taking a hot shower can ease the discomfort and pain.

Haemorrhoid Stapling: This is a medical procedure referred as stapled hemorrhoidopexy, which blocks the blood circulation to the hemorrhoid tissue. It is an effective process for internal haemorrhoids.

For the most part, Stapling includes less torment than hemorrhoidectomy and considers prior return to regular exercises. Contrasted and hemorrhoidectomy, in any case, stapling has been related to a more serious danger of repeat and rectal prolapse, in what portion of the rectum juts from the rear-end.

Entanglements can likewise incorporate dying, urinary maintenance and torment, just as, seldom, a dangerous blood disease (sepsis). Talk with your PCP about an ideal choice for you.

Prevention of Piles

The only way piles can be avoided through passing softened stools. A few ways piles can be prevented are:

High fiber diet: Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables can lead to soft stools and helps in reducing straining during bowel movements.

Plenty of Fluids

Consuming a lot of water keeps the body hydrated and which can also eventually help in soft stools.

Avoid Strain

Avoid holding breath while passing stool as this can create pressure in the lower rectum.

Don’t Control

Whenever there is an urge to visit the bathroom, it is important to use the restroom immediately as stopping them can lead to hard stools.

Apart from these, it is important to stay active throughout and look out for signs of piles; reach out to Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment to avoid further complications.

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