Business Magazine

Find More Content Ideas for Your Blog

Posted on the 04 September 2014 by Andykinsey @andykinsey

For many the hardest part of blogging and writing content is not actually writing, but rather the discovery of ideas for content to write about. If you have just started a blog you may have a ton of ideas, great stuff, but conversley the more you write about (usually) the less ideas you may have as time goes on. It’s a fairly common issue, “what do I write, there is nothing more to say about my niche”.

In this article I want to help inspire these troubled writers to find some ideas. So here are my tips for finding more content ideas.

  1. Read other blogs in your industry and around your industry, it may be helpful to subscribe to them so you don’t miss an article.
  2. Read new & old books relating to your industry, analyze what they are saying and look to give another view point.
  3. Forums are a great place to see what users are talking and asking about, this is a great way to ensure there is an audience for a blog post.
  4. Conversations with friends and colleagues turned into a blog post can add an extra dimension to any blog post.
  5. Quotes which are from a well known person in your industry (or simply recognised) can be used to make a point within a blog, its a great way to inform your argument or engage the audience.
  6. “Just Google It” – really, google a topic you want to write about and go through a number of pages to see what common topics and trends there are.
  7. Do the same thing on twitter.
  8. Write about something outside of your subject area, but relate it to what you do.
  9. Join groups on LinkedIn and Facebook – join discussions and these will naturally give you ideas.
  10. Ask your audience what they want you to write about. This is something I ask to my newsletter subscribers fairly regularly, I also take questions I get by email and answer them in blog posts – some of my blog posts with the best visitor numbers are in this format.

A few examples of my posts and where an idea has come from…

  • Website Relaunch Checklist – Reader Requests & Client Discussions
  • How to Change Facebook Page Address – Reader Requests
  • Getting Found Locally on Google – Face to Face conversations
  • Do I Need an External SEO – Reader Requests
  • Embracing Failure and Big Data – Conversations with myself (mad i know)

What tips would you give to someone looking for new content ideas? What is your trick?

Original SEO Content by SEO Andy @ Find More Content Ideas for Your Blog

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