Drink Magazine

Finally Got a 6 Pack of DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus! But Was It Worth the Wait?

By Bolanrox


Of all of the waiting to get my hands on items I have seen, this was the one I had the most hope for. Everyone I know who has had it, has loved it, and raved about its peanut butter goodness.

Then the news comes: It will finally be shipping to NJ.  Well NJ in anything south of Morris County.. For a month that was where it stood.  the great wall separating North Jersey from the rest of the beer friendly state.  Well that still has not changed, but my southerner living family brought me up a six-pack.

I could not wait to crack one open.  Greeted by a nice nose of roasty Peanut Butter,  I thought to myself, this was going to be great.

Sipping it though…  well it wasn’t sweet and was kind of roasty,  I will give it that..  but where was the golden elixir everyone spoke of?  It was only OK at best, certainly not at that top levels of a porter to garner such praise.

The bottles are fresh, but, alas, it seems that this is one of those beers that is best served on draft. I will give it a go that way if and when I see it on tap, just to see how different it is.

In the end I am very glad I got to try it finally, but am happy I did not have to travel to do it.

Finally got a 6 pack of DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus! But was it worth the wait?

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