In the final steps on this new abstract painting, I draw vine-like lines with triangular shapes, beginning with emarld green in a band across the top center of the canvas. Next, I do the same with aqua, placing a thin band above the emerald green and a wider band below it. I continue this process next with brilliant blue and cobalt blue.
As I draw the lines, I stop every so often to fill them in, using a small brush dipped in water. Occasionally I add more paint in order to get the density I want in the filled-in shapes. Here's what the painting looks like so far:

The last color I use is Prussian blue, filling in the space above and below the cobalt blue. Then I stand back and look at the painting. I decide it needs more definition along the outside edges of the whole canvas, so I draw the Prusian blue vines around the edges of the other colors.