I was so filled with happiness and contentment yesterday that I wanted to cry tears of joy.I was so touched by the granting of a situation I hoped for, desired, and needed as it became tangible. A few days ago, it was relayed to me. Now it has been applied as I made connection to my request.All bestowed to me through faith, prayer, and the Lord’s continuing hand to watch over my life in ways that surpass what we may ask or understand.It is the little things that count with me. They are big blessings because God handled and took heed as I just trusted and waited for an outcome.It is not all about what the Lord constantly does for us, but the love, concern, and value that he places on us that motivates his actions.Even at times when situations in life seem or appear to go wrong, God is making everything right.In my circumstances, I could have just settled for a particular area of something that I didn’t find suitable to my liking or well-being.
However, I humbly looked at the one who could and would decide best according to what was befitting. And, I just had to give open thanks and praise!