Humor Magazine

…Fill the Hole

By Zer @the2women

…Fill the Hole

This past week an American icon announced that it would be shutting it’s doors for good.

This is not the first time that Hostess has been in danger of going under, but it looks like this time it’s for real.

Lucky for us, there’s an easy remedy for the hole left by Hostess—hoarding.

Will these familiar favorites disappear? Probably not.

Odds are, the individual brands will be sold off.

But that hasn’t stopped Twinkies, Donettes, fruit pies and other assorted Hostess products from flying off the shelves.

If you’re reading this after purchasing a lifetime supply of Twinkies, take comfort in the fact that you’re set, come the next apocalypse.

More on the Story: Huffington Post

…just for fun:

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