The average Brit only feels 100% fit and healthy for 61 days of the year, it has been revealed. Tiredness, aches and pains and illness mean most of us operate at well below our best for a massive ten months of the year.
The study of 2,000 people found one in four is permanently hampered by at least one ailment or injury which has not been resolved.
Worryingly, the research, commissioned by Spire Bristol Hospital, also found the average Brits feels ‘run down’ on at least two days every week.
The director of Spire Bristol Hospital, Rob Anderson, said:
”It’s surprising to see just how little of the year people consider themselves fully fit.
”If someone is plagued by a repeated problem they should talk to a healthcare professional to identify if it might be a symptom of something more serious.
”While people often like to see themselves as good at enduring pain and adopt a ‘grin and bear it’ approach, it’s important to recognize what’s easily treatable and can relieve us from a lot of unnecessary suffering day to day.
”Often small changes can make a huge difference to how healthy we feel – making sure you get enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, taking exercise. Cutting down on alcohol can reduce illness and increase energy levels, but sometimes only medical treatment will do.”
The study also found the average person experiences eight bouts of illness a year – from coughs, colds and sore throats to the more debilitating sick bugs, flus and viruses, which leave us at full fitness for less than one sixth of the year.
One in four get regular headaches and one tenth are regularly in pain from an old sports-related injury.
40% are plagued by repeated colds, and one in three struggle to shake repeated sore throats.
Four in ten people are forced to endure back pain, while two ear infections and five bouts of heartburn also weigh heavily on the average person each year.
And we can expect to battle one eye infection, wake up five times with a sore or cricked neck and even bite our tongue three times in the average year.
Sadly, stubbed toes, toothache and mouth ulcers also make the list of ailments we experience each and every year on top of the coughs, colds and long-term injuries.
Those add up to leave us feeling on top form for just 61 days of the year.
Monday is the worst day for feeling under the weather, with 11.35am the time when sickness normally peaks. Saturday lunchtime on the other hand is the healthiest point in the week for Brits, feeling at their peak and riding the weekend wave.
But some don’t even get that- one in four say they permanently have at least one ailment or source of pain that hampers them day to day.
Rob Anderson added:
”Anyone suffering from regular problems should visit their GP for a check-up. It’s important to take health seriously and not ignore warning signs.”
5 x cramps
1 x fainting
2 x pulled muscles
5 x cricked or sore neck
1 x nosebleed
2 x ear ache
1 x eye infection
2 x stitch
2 x toothache
2 x stubbed toe
3 x biting tongue
1 x verucas
1 x lost voice
2 x blisters
4 x sore throat
4 x cold
2 x mouth ulcer
2 x cold sores
1 x flu