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Fighting Dog Obesity

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog obesity

Like human obesity, dog obesity is one of man’s worst enemies. Recent statistics show that more than 40% of canines in the US alone are overweight. And just like in the case of humans, dog obesity can lead to serious health issues like arthritis and heart ailments. To prevent and/or stop this from happening, regular exercise is a must. The great thing about this is that when you exercise your dog, dog owners get to have their own exercise, too.

Here are some of the most common and highly recommended types of exercise that you and your dog can do to avoid human and dog obesity.



The cheapest and yet most effective way to exercise is walking. Brisk walking is extremely helpful for both humans and canines to lose weight. Walking has a ton of benefits but possibly the top of the list includes a healthier and stronger heart. When walking a dog, there isn’t really any rigid rule. Just make sure that both of you have a goal or a destination and gradually increase your speed as you and your pooch walk.


Like walking, jogging is also a one of the least expensive yet highly effective exercise you and your dog can do. However, take note that not all dog breeds are built to jog. So before planning to jog with your dog, make sure that his breed is built and adaptable to the exercise. This is to avoid any harm that may befall on your pooch in the long run.

Playing Frisbee

Frisbee is a classic game of “Fetch” for canines; hence, it’s also an old-school workout. You can enjoy Frisbee with your dog at the park or at the comfort of your own backyard (if it’s medium size to a huge one). You may even invite friends, humans and other pooches, when you play with your dog for a lot more fun.


Aside from these three, hiking and swimming are two more exercises that you and your canine can enjoy and do to avoid dog obesity. Just make sure that you consult the vet (and your own doctor) to check if the exercise you have in mind suits your dog’s breed.

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