Destinations Magazine

Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum

By Elizabethwix

Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
The flower arrangements are always astounding, dramatic and exotic. You could go to the museum for them alone.
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
Of course, on a vacation-time Thursday there were a million billion people there, and most of them were taking photos on their cell phones --just like me. Never quite know what to look at, since if you look at everything you get major  sensory overload.
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
So looked at the modern photos exhibit, then retreated to the Spanish courtyard
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
to see the young man playing music.
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
Such a pretty young saint! You can look through the porthole in her chest to discover that she is a reliquary and has real bits of bone inside.....
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
No one there for an instant.
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
Then looking down at the hall
Field Trip: Metropolitan Museum
and wondering which particular treasures were absorbed that day.

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