My Writer's Program T-shirt!
Enrollment for Winter Quarter classes in the UCLA Extension Writer’s Program opens November 4, 2013. I will be teaching a one-day class on Saturday, March 1, 2014: Fiction or Nonfiction, What’s Best for Your Story? The class will focus on writing for school age children ages 5 to 12. I have been teaching in the Writer’s Program since 1981 and have the distinction of being in the program the longest of the current instructors!Here’s a description of the class:
Shaping your idea and turning it into a book just right for your intended audience involves many choices. This workshop will cover both fiction and nonfiction techniques and how to use them to create a book for children that is both fun and informative and just right for the child and just right for you. From picture books to chapter books, we will discuss developing an idea into a framework for a book or article, choosing a point of view, writing lively prose, and conducting research. Special attention will be paid to organizing material; selling your story to trade, school, library, and magazine markets; and editing your work.
Go to the UCLA Extension website for information about enrolling.