I'm all for edible gifts.
And if they can be tweaked to be suitable for Mum, Dad and the nieces and nephews... well, you're winning!
I saw this little idea on BBC Good Food and thought by dividing the mixture in two, I could make a gift for some of my little friends and also those grown ups I know with a sweet tooth.
You will need
250g icing sugar, sifted
1 egg white, beaten
Peppermint extract
For the polar bears
Mini sweeties (I used treat size Smarties)
For the others
Dark chocolate
Sprinkles, if desired (I used these)
For the polar bears, follow the instructions on BBC Good Food recipe. Be sure to just use half the mixture if you want to also make a second type.
For the 'adult' peppermint creams, just roll the mixture in to cherry tomato-sized balls and flatten with your hand on to baking parchment. Leave to set in the fridge for a few hours. Melt dark chocolate and dip each in half way - try to be quick as they will warm up quickly! Roll in sprinkles if desired, before putting back on baking parchment and putting back in the fridge for ten minutes or so.
They are best kept in the fridge or a cool place, and last up to a month.
The perfect edible Christmas gift!