TIME Magazine is reporting news that will not go over well in many quarters:
The mainstream media will get around to covering abortion this month as the nation marks 40 years of legalized abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy via Roe v Wade. Time magazine has released its issue, which comes to a shocking conclusion.
The cover article makes the case that the pro-abortion side is losing the abortion debate, saying, “40 Years Ago, Abortion Rights Activists Won an Epic Victory With Roe v. Wade. They’re been losing ever since.”
The article makes the pro-abortion case that, while abortion is still legal, it is increasingly difficult to access thanks to the closing of so many abortion clinics and pro-life laws that help women by giving them additional information and alternatives.
The magazine also contains an article from Emily Buchanan of the pro-life women’s group Susan B. Anthony List that rebuts what has become the modern talking point for Planned Parenthood and other abortion defenders — that abortion is about protecting women’s health...
More at the link.
When truth prevails in the debate, there's little doubt that the pro-abortion side will take a hit. When lies and obfuscation prevail, the pro-abortion side wins.
And pictures like the one that follows, and the accompanying story, help communicate the fact that the baby in the womb is hardly an unviable tissue mass to be treated like a disease.
May the feminists weep and gnash their teeth more and more.