Family Magazine

Feeling Joyous Or Anxious During Pregnancy? Your Baby is Feeling It Too

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Feeling Joyous or Anxious During Pregnancy Your Baby is Feeling it TooPregnancy should be a joyous occasion but there are times where things can get stressful especially if it is unpleasant news about your health, your baby’s health, or other uncontrollable situations. I realize that at times it is hard to control stressful situations but as an expectant mother you need to take time for yourself and de-stress at the end of each day. Not only can your baby feel what you are feeling especially when you are stressed. However, too much stress during pregnancy can cause additional health problems for you such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia ( a result of high blood pressure and protein in the urine), and pre-term labor. Today, I wanted to share some tips on how to handle stress during pregnancy.

Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only. 

Most women experience a wide range of emotions during pregnancy, sometimes feeling opposite emotions within the span of a few minutes. Current research is showing that babies also experience these emotions. The sense of touch is the first sense to fully develop in the womb, followed by hearing, taste and sight. Most experts believe that babies don’t use their sense of smell in the womb.

Internal Bonding

There is a very close connection between the mother and the child before birth. Not only is the mother supplying the baby with much-needed nutrients, they are also providing the baby with both internal and external stimuli. Research shows that babies feel the same range of emotions that their mothers feel during pregnancy. They have studied thousands of 3D ultrasound pictures of babies showing emotions ranging from anxiety to happiness and contentment. The baby may also show happiness when they hear a familiar voice, such as that of their father or sibling. Most women feel their baby move for the first time during the second trimester, and some of these movements are connected to the sounds that the baby hears or the way the mother is moving her body.

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