Business Magazine

Feedburner Feeds Are Ending

Posted on the 25 September 2012 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

From almost 15,000 subscribers to zero. At least that’s how it looks for Feedburner’s stats on the Branding & Marketing blog for now.

If you are a blogger and have used Google’s Feedburner for your RSS feeds, you may be aware that Feedburner Feeds are now gone.

Here’s what is on their development site:

Important: The Google Feedburner APIs have been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011 will be shut down on October 20, 2012.

You can still log in (as of 5 pm today) and export the emails from your Feedburner account and place them into a mail client account like Constant Contact or Mail Chimp, but I wouldn’t wait until Oct. 20 to get this finalized.

It appears that Google Reader is still working from the Feedburner feed: was this blog’s Feedburner feed.  Nice statistics and free.  For a while anyway.

Feedburner is the program I use to send my RSS feed out so that subscribers would know there was a new blog post.  For now you can read the feed at

So now I’m working on a replacement. Trying Feedcat to see how it works. (I’m not too optimistic I’ll stick with them.  They spell details datails.  Not a good sign.

Email subscribers: I managed to capture those who were subscribed by email.  You will be up and running soon using an email client (MailChimp) that can serve as an RSS service.

I apologize in advance if you miss a post or receive 2 posts!!

If you have a better way to address the changes at Feedburner — other than MailChimp and Feedcat, I’m open to suggestions!  Please leave a message below in the comments!

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