Fashion Magazine

February Q & A

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

February Q & A

happy weekend

sweater // jeans

I get asked questions ALL the time via social media. In all honesty, it really is hard to respond to all of them in a detailed way, so I decided that I would start a monthly Q & A series.

This way throughout the month if you have a question you can either e-mail me ([email protected]) or you can send me a direct message on instagram! I thought by creating this new series it would be a fun way for you all to get to know me (even) better or just ask question you might have been wondering for some time now!

February Q & A

  • Best blowout in Dallas? I actually don’t get blowouts. To be honest, I hate when other people blow dry my hair! My friends go to The Dry Bar and they seem to love it!
  • Which YSL bag is your favorite? I got on a big YSL kick this last fall and added quite a few pretties to my collection. While I do love pretty much everything YSL makes, I have to say that this YSL bag is my current favorite in my closet. I did want to add that this YSL canvas tote is currently on my spring/summer wish list! I think it would be perfect to carry during warmer months or to bring on trips!
  • Ready for baby #2 yet? Totally honest, no. We love Ralph so much and we love how much fun he is. Although I loved every moment of having a newborn, now knowing how much fun your child gets makes it even harder for me to process ‘starting over’. Plus being pregnant again does not sound appealing at this point in time!
  • Best tip for planning a wedding? Make a decision and move on.
  • What’s the best thing about being a mom? I would have to say watching your child learn and discover new things. The other day we were on a walk and Ralph was pointing at everything he saw…he was so excited about even seeing a bird! Having a baby really makes you ‘stop and smell the roses’. Plus, there is nothing better than baby snuggles and kisses.
  • Favorite thing to have for breakfast? Depends on the day. Some mornings we do breakfast burritos from Whole Foods (egg, potato & cheese is my favorite) or I just have a breakfast bar (Think Thin or RX Bar). I always have a cup of coffee and recently I added celery juice and lemon that we purchase from The Juice Bar!
  • What are Ralph’s favorite words these days? Ralph is getting more and more chatty which is so fun to watch. His first word was “wow”. Now his vocabulary is expanding and his current words are: apple, bye bye, hi, mama, dada, bath, cool, book, night night, alph (his attempt at saying his own name…working on the R), wawa (water), no, side (outside), golf, dog, shoes, ball, elmo; he does say a handful more but these words are his ‘regulars’.
  • What is the most ridiculous question you have been asked? What color are your walls…at least 10 times (some joking but I know a couple were not, haha)
  • Do you take Barry’s Boot Camp? Do you feel like that class gives you better results than spinning? I have taken a few Barry’s classes and while I do like the energy, the running portion is just not for me! I think the most important thing with working out is finding something that works for you. For me, that is spin classes (at home on the peloton, soul cycle or terlingo cycle) as well as heated yoga 1-2 times a week.
  • What does an average day of food look like for you? Everyday is so different and really just depends on if we are eating out that night or what is going on that day! See below for a semi-normal day:
    • breakfast: rx or think thin bar a cup of coffee and celery + lemon juice (some days an egg, potato & cheese breakfast burrito from whole foods)
    • lunch: smoothie from the juice bar (day tripper/purple haze/mountain milk) or avocado toast and fruit
    • snack: apple, yogurt, cottage cheese or sliced cheddar cheese and crackers
    • dinner: either make dinner (main + veggie + salad) or order in (we order in from mi cocina, fireside pies, flower child, true food, shinsei, tj’s, perfect union and eatzi’s)
  • Which high chair do you prefer? The white one or the one on the counter? Probably not the answer you want to hear but both because we use them for different things. We use this chair that clips on our kitchen island for at least 1 meal a day. We love it because you can bring it to a restaurant (ex: the hillstone group restaurants ‘do not accommodate children’, so it hooks onto their tables) and Ralph loves it because he can sit with us/at our level at the kitchen island when we are eating dinner. Now, we have had this high chair since Ralph was 5 months old and at our old house when we did not have a kitchen island, we used to pull it up to our kitchen table and he would also be at our level. Now at our new house when we are eating at the dining room table (rare), we pull this high chair up to the table sans tray so he can sit with us. Also, during the day when he is having breakfast or coloring we put him in this high chair so he stays put (especially for coloring!)
  • What car seat do you use for Ralph now? We ordered this car seat. We have one in my car and one in Wade’s car. Ralph LOVES this car seat because it is so comfortable for him. Plus the drink holders come in handy for his ‘wawa’.
  • Fun date night spots in Dallas? Nobu, Le Bilboquet, The Charles, Neighborhood Services and R&D.
  • All time favorite candle scent? This one.
  • Favorite city to visit in the U.S.? It’s hard to pick just one, so I will pick 5! Miami, Los Angelos, Nantucket, Coeur d’Alene or Las Vegas
  • Best location for a quick July vacation? Los Angelos! Last July we spent the week of July 4th in L.A. and had the best time!
  • If you had to live anywhere other than Dallas where would you live? Scottsdale, Arizona. Similar restaurants and shopping to Dallas but then real draw is the desert climate.
  • Have you started botox or fillers yet? Yes, I have been doing both botox and fillers for years.
  • Do you meal prep for Ralph? I wish I were more organized with meal prep. Thankfully we have a local spot called Eatizi’s that makes feeling your family super easy! I have Ralphs basic items in the refrigerator for him and whatever Wade and I are eating I always give him some of it! Note: I did try a currently popular delivery service primarily for toddlers and Ralph hated the food…going to have to agree with him on this, it was pretty gross.
  • Thoughts on Peloton bike? I love it so much. It’s hard to beat the convenience factor. Note: if you are not able to self motivate, it’s probably not for you.
  • Do you still have your dogs? We do and don’t worry they still get plenty of love and attention
  • Why cooking all of the sudden?  I never said I can’t cook, I have always said I don’t like to cook..which is still true. Honestly, the cooking part isn’t my favorite but I LOVE having Ralph help me ‘do’ certain things in the kitchen. I will be mixing something and he will have a (empty) bowl out and be ‘mixing’ things himself. Something that is really important to both me and Wade is trying to implement good habits with Ralph. That can be with food, exercise, cooking at home and even hygiene (bath time, brushing teeth/hair). We are trying to show him these things so it’s not an ordeal later on. I have to say the fact that my child wants celery juice, kombucha and prefers avocado toast to grilled cheese is a mom win at this point. I am sure his tastes will change but until then, we will keep trying!!!
  • Favorite Amazon buys? I could write for days on what we purchase on Amazon (I am pro saving time and that is why I use Instacart for grocery deliveries and amazon for pretty much everything else). I will say the best thing we get on Amazon is water! Water is SO heavy to carry plus it takes up room in the cart! It is the best to just have it delivered right to the front porch!
  • Favorite perfume? Wade and I both wear this scent. It is our favorite. Oh and if you are a fan of The Edition Hotels, their hotels have the same scent. It truly is the BEST!
  • What do you recommend for weight loss? I am no expert with weight loss (I have never dieted) but the thing that works for me to stay about the same size is (semi) healthy eating habits, portion control (ex: 1 slice of pizza and a large salad vs. 3 slices) and working out regularly. My current work out routine is yoga 1-2 times a week and spin 3-4 times a week. 
  • Do you drink coffee? If so, what kind and with what in it? My Starbucks order is an iced tall skinny vanilla latte and when I am home I just use my Nespresso! I do one Nespresso pod, 1 tablespoon of fat free coffee creamer & 1 stevia! Simple but the best!

February Q & A

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