Fashion Magazine

February Moments

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
February momentsimage from PinterestMornin'! I just wanted to pop a few words down and say hello - it's been a while! As always, work is all-consuming at the moment but February has lots to offer. Here are a few things I will be doing over the coming weeks...Counting down 'til half term! As always, I'm living for the teacher holidays. This one will be spent re-grouping, catching up with friends and my gorgeous nephews. And breathe! That said, I'm finding the weeks are flying by this year. We've got lots of look forward to in the coming 12 months, so in one sense the pace is good, but I'm conscious of not wishing my life away! Getting ready for a Counselling course in March. I've applied to start a introductory counseling course at the Adult Education center attached to the college where I teach, not only to add another string to my professional bow, but to develop some of my interpersonal skills. When people ask me for advice a panic comes over me - what should I say? What do they want to hear? This is obviously more a concern in teaching as you are always under pressure to 'get it right' and I guess this anxiety has filtered through to my personal life. I love working with young people, and am hoping this course will give me a better understanding of the issues they face and how to best address them. Getting (further) stuck into Slimming World! So far so good, but my biggest problem is weekends... when it all goes to pot. This month I am going to try and document my eating more, and hopefully share some of my experiences on here - is that something you'd want to read about? I'm enjoying trying out new recipes, but also adapting our firm favourites to make them SW-friendly. The good news is that Rich has barely noticed our meals have changed!Planning for adventure. Exactly a year from now my life will get very exciting as I embark on a four month sabbatical. More to come on that this month - but our plans involve SE Asia, backpacks and a map. Stay tuned!The plank challenge. After seeing loads on FB and Twitter etc, I've decided to take on my very own plank challenge! So far I can do 45 secs - 1 minute without too much pain, and have been doing three sets of these each day. I'm hoping to increase this by 10 seconds each week. Firm abs, you will be mine!And today? Well sadly that will mostly involve attacking a huge pile of marking, but in between I am going to be using up some of my Christmas baking ingredients and throwing a few bakes together. Sadly, I can't really enjoy the fruits of my labor but I know colleagues will! 

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