Poison dart frogs vary in size, color and the levels of toxin that they produce depending on the species of poison dart frog and the area in which it lives. There are more than 175 different species of poison dart frog known to be inhabiting the jungles across Central and South America.
Poison dart frogs are carnivorous animals that survive on a diet purely made up of meat. Poison dart frogs shoot out their long, sticky tongues to catch flies, ants, insects, spiders and termites.
Due to the high toxin levels produced by the poison dart frog, it has very few predators in the wild. Many animals will become extremely sick from just licking a poison dart frog, so they won't approach them. There is only one species of snake that is known to be immune to the poison of the poison dart frog.
Many species of poison dart frog, make devoted parents as they carry their newborn hatchings from ground-level where they were laid to the safety of the canopy above. The eggs stick to mucus on the back of the mother poison dart frog, while she carries it a water-pool in a flower high in the trees. The female poison dart frog does this with all of her babies, and lays an unfertilised egg in the water for her young to eat.