Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Featured Animal: Basenji Dog

By Azanimals @azanimals
Basenji Dog The Basenji is alert, affectionate, energetic, and curious. It loves to play and makes a good pet, as long as it is handled regularly from an early age and the owners are very patient. It is very intelligent. It can be reserved with strangers.

Basenji Dog The Basenji is somewhat aloof, but can also form strong bonds with people. It should not be trusted with noncanine pets. It is usually patient, but does best with older considerate children. The Basenji dislikes wet weather. The breed likes to climb and can easily get over chain wire fences. (NOTE: NOT all Basenjis climb--it depends on the individual.)

Basenji Dog
Basenjis are very clever at getting their own way. The Basenji has the unique properties of not barking (it makes a low, liquid ululation instead) and cleaning itself like a cat. It can be described as speedy, frisky, tireless at play, and teasing the owner into play. Most Basenji problems usually involve a mismatch between owner and pet. The owners mistake the adjective quiet to mean inactive instead of noiseless, thus, they become harassed by an active, though relatively silent, dog.

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