Art & Design Magazine

Featured Abstract Landscape Artist Minnie Jardine

By Abstractartbylt @artbylt

Minnie Jardine is originally from Portland and now lives in West Danby, just south of Ithaca, New York.  Her abstract landscapes reflect her love of trees as well as her practice of yoga, which she teaches locally.

Beech hill looking east32x40
  Beech Hill Looking East, 32" x 40" oil on linen by Minnie Jardine.

Minnie says her new series is "an intimate look at trees in summer and fall, not only the varied shapes of branches and trunks and the spaces in between, but also beyond, to the promise of arriving at the long shore of a deep lake – seeing Seneca Lake through trees and foliage, feeling it just there, perhaps through the next opening."

  Deep Summer Triptych, 41" x 28" oil on linen.

Her paintings are spare, with a deep sense of space--a place where one can breathe. That may be due to her yoga practice, which has "enlarged her painting by breathing new life and ease into the creative process, as well as by deepening her sense of spiritual attachment to the world around her."

Sun in the east20x16
  Sun In the East, 20" x 16" oil on linen by Minnie Jardine.

Minnie has exhibited her paintings in the Gavin Shettler and Groundswell Galleries in Portland, the Kirkland Art Center in Clinton, as well as local venues in Ithaca. She has a show up now until November at Sheldrake Winery on Seneca Lake.

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