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FBI Director James Comey: the FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

Posted on the 21 March 2017 by Sumithardia

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Yesterday was a huge day for political stuff. It was the first day of Neil Gorsuch’s SCOTUS confirmation hearings, which would have been huge in and of itself, especially since we’ve learned that (shock of shocks) a Republican Supreme Court nominee has issues with women. Apparently, Gorsuch believes women have fewer rights than corporations. Sure. But no, Gorsuch’s first day of Senate confirmation hearings barely made a blip on cable news, because at the same time, FBI Director James Comey was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee about Emperor Baby Fists’ ties to Russia. Here’s what we learned throughout the day:
Russia hacked the election. Comey confirmed that Russia “meddled” in the election. Derp.
The FBI has been investigating Trump & his people for a while. Apparently, the FBI ramped up their investigation months before Election Day. Comey said that starting in July 2016 – likely around the time of the Republican National Convention – the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.
Comey says Trump is lying about the Trump Tower wire-tap. Yeah, obviously, Obama did not authorize a wiretap on Trump Tower. Comey says there is simply no evidence to suggest that.
Comey said words about ongoing investigations. As in, Comey was limited by the “ongoing investigation” as to what details he could and could not reveal about Easy D. And yet he pranced around just weeks before Election Day, confirming that the FBI was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton?
Republicans care more about “leakers” than traitors. Too many Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee were trying to make the hearing about “WHO IS LEAKING?” Comey just kind of brushed it off. I’ll admit that I’m squirmish about high-level security-clearance officials leaking information to the media too, but that’s not my biggest f–king concern, you know? My biggest concern is that a hostile third-party has infiltrated the highest levels of the American government.
The Baby Fists Administration is flailing. Like, Baby Fists’ approval ratings are at a historic new low and Trump’s people are already doing “war rooms” to combat the avalanche of bad press. Sean Spicer’s White House briefing yesterday was a g–damn circus, with Spicer claiming that the media needed to write more stories about Hillary Clinton’s Russian connections (???!?!?!). Spicer also claimed that Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who quit after his shady connections to Russia were revealed, had a “very limited role” in the campaign. Which started the hashtag #VeryLimitedRole
The official POTUS Twitter is Orwellian. Alternative facts abound. While I expect that from Trump’s personal Twitter, the idea that they’re now using the POTUS Twitter to literally lie their asses off is… interesting.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

Source: celebitchy.com

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