Washington Post
A national debate is raging about police use
of deadly force, especially against minorities. To understand why and
how often these shootings occur, The Washington Post is compiling a
database of every fatal shooting by police in 2015, as well as of every
officer killed by gunfire in the line of duty. The Post looked
exclusively at shootings, not killings by other means, such as stun guns
and deaths in police custody.
Using interviews, police reports,
local news accounts and other sources, The Post tracked more than a
dozen details about each killing through Friday, including the victim’s
race, whether the person was armed and the circumstances that led to the
fatal encounter. The result is an unprecedented examination of these
shootings, many of which began as minor incidents and suddenly escalated
into violence.
Among The Post’s findings:
●About half the victims were white,
half minority. But the demographics shifted sharply among the unarmed
victims, two-thirds of whom were black or Hispanic. Overall, blacks were
killed at three times the rate of whites or other minorities when
adjusting by the population of the census tracts where the shootings