Fastrack Reflex Vox was revealed in India as the new smartwatch from the Titan sub-brand. The smartwatch comes with a large display, voice assistant support, multiple watch faces, a complete health suite, water resistance, sport modes, reminders, alarms, notifications support, and more.
Fastrack Reflex Vox Specifications and Features
- Fastrack Reflex Vox feature 1.69 inches touchscreen display.
- The smartwatch comes with 10+ sport modes including running, trademill, swimming, and more.
- It supports 100+ watch faces that can be downloaded the from the cloud store in the “Fastrack Vox” app.
- The watch boasts complete health suite including heart rate sensor, spo2 sensor, sleep monitoring, stress monitoring, and menstrual cycle reminder.
- The watch comes with up to 10 days of battery life depending on the usage.
- It includes Alexa Voice Assistant to set reminders, alarm, and more.
- The Reflex Vox sports 5ATM water resiatnce making it suitable for using while swimming, and workouts.
- The watch dial is made up of metal while the strap is of silicon material.
- In terms of Dimensions, the gadget measures 44 x 37 x 13mm and weighs 90 grams.
- The smartwatch comes with Bluetooth connectivity and hence can be connected to a smartphone for notification alerts.
- Additionally, the watch sports weather alerts, alarm, reminders, health tracking, and more.
ModelReflex Vox
Launch Date29/01/2022 ( India )
Display1.6-inch touchscreen Display
Sport Modes10+ sport modes
SensorsHeart Rate Sensor, Spo2 sensor
Water Resistance5ATM
Dimensions44 x 37 x 13mm
PriceRs. 6,995,
Fastrack Reflex Vox Price and Availabiltiy
Fastrack Reflex Vox is priced at Rs. 6,995 but the company is currently offering the smartwatch for just Rs. 4,995 in India. The watch comes in four color options namely Blazing Blue, Carbon Black, Flaming Red, and Champagne Pink. It is currently available for purchase via, and Fastrack India’s official website.