Fashion Magazine

Fashion Week Detox

By Masfashion


I am finally back in Dallas from NY fashion week (I hope you followed along via Instagram). What a whirlwind. A very fun whirlwind, but a whirlwind. I am taking the day off to catch up on reading, snuggle with my dog, unpack, do some laundry and get ready for my next travel destination! Molly and I leave this Saturday for our overseas travels. I can’t believe it is already upon us! I am getting so excited!!

Over the past few days all of us girls (Molly, Sally, and Amy) had some amazing chats about topics much deeper than fashion. One that hit home for all of us was how lucky we were to have each other; a core group of friends. After college all of my best friends moved away and I felt so alone. The ones that did stay were either busy chasing their dreams in graduate school, traveling, or found work friends to fill in the spaces. I felt so lost and was in a really dark place. When I am in this place I instantly blame the city or surroundings I am in. From that point on I planted the “I hate Dallas,” seed. It was there for quite a few years. I swore it was the city that was making me unhappy so I dreamed of other places to live; Paris, London, San Fran. Anywhere but Dallas. Fast forward a few years and I am now more than content in Dallas. It wasn’t the place I was living but the people (or lack there of) that I was surrounding myself with. After this past fashion week, I have really come to realize that I am so lucky to find a group of girls I love being around so much. It took longer than I would have liked but I finally feel so comfortable and relaxed knowing I have good (and extremely fun) people around me. I can’t say that I still don’t dream of moving to London or Paris, but that is why we have travel. Right?!

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