
Farming Simulator 19 Crops Yields and Prices

Posted on the 16 February 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 16 February, 2022

Farming Simulator 19 Crops Yields and Prices – All valid prices about crops, a full detailed list with all needed information.

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Farming Simulator 19 Crops Yields and Prices – Data

Crop Yield (L) per Acre Price / 1000L (New Farmer) Price / 1000L (Farm Manager & From Scratch) A Price / Acre (New Farmer) Price / Acre (Farm Manager & From Scratch) Notes

Wheat 7,118 1,011 674 14,069 9,379 Price of selling straw is included in total amount

Barley 7,63 939 626 14,037 9,358 Price of selling straw is included in total amount

Oat 4,53 1,689 1,126 14,523 9,682 Price of selling straw is included in total amount

Straw 55,872 123 82 6,872 4,582

Canola 4,637 1,809 1,206 8,388 5,592

Soybean 3,574 2,334 1,556 8,342 5,561

Corn 7,344 1,14 760 8,372 5,581

Sunflower 4,176 2,019 1,346 8,431 5,621

Sugar Beet 46,247 366 244 16,926 11,284 Requires special machines and takes longer to harvest

Potato 32,763 516 344 16,905 11,27 Requires special machines and takes longer to harvest

Cotton 3,969 3,756 2,504 14,908 9,939 Requires cotton harvester and special trailler

Sugarcane 72,924 357 238 26,034 17,356 Requires special machines and takes longer to harvest

Grass 17,382 135 90 2,347 1,564

Maize/Silage 51,489 600 360 25,745 25,745 Requires special machines and the Biogas Plant Land must be purchased.


(Wrapped Bales) 17,382 513 342 8,917 5,944 Prices at the Barn.

Milk 1,5 1

Wool 1,8 1,2

Wood Chips 240 160

Eggs 4,5 3

Manure 600 360 Biogas Plant Land must be purchased.

Slurry 479 287 Biogas Plant Land must be purchased.

Thanks to Undying29

Data collected and Results Farming Simulator 19

Crops Yields and Prices. Important note: this table is based on several studies carried out, it is not a 100% correct table, but will provide you with VERY VALUABLE information, since it gives you a general idea of ​​average prices.

Farming Simulator 19. Use this information to make sure you sell at the correct price or at a price that may be very similar to the ones in this table. All prices are affected by the difficulty level of the game. It seems to multiply respectively by 3x for “New Farmer”, 2x for “Farm Manager” and also 2x for “Start From Scratch” (Since patch 1.2).

There are some exceptions, such as: the price of silage, manure and sludge in the biogas plant, which seems to be “coded”, these exceptions do not follow the logic of the game so they are affected, you must follow your own strategy. Just Crops Yields and Prices.

Farming Simulator 19 Crops Yields and Prices – Sell Prices

Farming Simulator 19 Crops Yields and Prices

Farming Simulator 19 Crops Yields and Prices

Just Crops Yields and Prices. To help with waiting for the best prices to sell, here are prices ranges you can expect. Aim for a selling price somewhere between the 75% and Maximum columns.

Farming Simulator 19. For optimum game play, collect straw from your wheat, oats, and barley fields. Sell ​​it as soon as possible, otherwise you could lose almost 50%. If you want to sell Silage at the Biogas Plant, you must first buy the land; you can get to need almost 50 thousand liters of silage (you will have to process it continuously), the money in the game takes time to arrive, specifically it arrives at midnight, so you have to be patient.

What is the main point of Farming Simulator 19?

In the Game Farming Simulator 19, the game allows players to perform many of the same chores real farmers do. For example, you can prepare land for planting, harvest crops, fertilize fields, and raise livestock.

What is the goal of Farming Simulator? Farming Simulator 19.

The Farming Simulator saga is a list of video games, in which you must collect basic resources for human subsistence, it is based mainly on agricultural simulation; the saga is developed by Giants Software and they have several games, since they are developing the game and releasing new updates.

Most of the locations of the game are in the United States and Europe; so you can learn about other cultures or other landscapes.

The main objective in Farming Simulator 19 is to farm and collect all kinds of raw materials, such as:

  • raise livestock
  • grow crops
  • fruit products
  • various materials related to farming
  • sell assets created through farming

Tutorials & Money

Check this tutorial, some tips for beginners players and not only for beginners… could help you (thanks to Youtuber: Guides Gamepressure)

Merge Farms Method

Check this tutorial from TwoBrosGamingHD

As of last patch on xbox atleast, when you start in career after saving you get a message saying that all the farms (and money) have been merged and once saved it will become a single player only map. Alternatively, if you have atleast one person join you on multiplayer you can create new farms and have them transfer the money over and over for infinite money then up to 6 of you can all create you’re own farms and split the money to do whatever. Farming Simulator 19.

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