Books Magazine

#FargoBurns by #KosKostmayer

By Pamelascott

Howling and half-naked in his torn and bloody clothing Fargo is a desperate man and dangerous to himself and others. He ricochets around his kitchen, heaving furniture into the street. The street is twelve stories down and Fargo fills the New York air with chairs and tables, lamps and dishes, cutting boards and cabinets, electric fans and plastic caddies, frying pans and double boilers, brooms and mops and metal buckets, canned goods and Pyrex platters, a garbage can, a cookie jar, a toaster oven, even the refrigerator door, which he rips off and throws out the window.

#FargoBurns by #KosKostmayer


HOWLING AND HALF-NAKED in his torn and bloody clothing Fargo is a desperate man and dangerous to himself and others. 1


(@BooksCicero, 1 March 2020, 174 pages, ebook, copy from the publisher and voluntarily reviewed, #BlogTour 13 October via @RandomTTours)



I'd never heard of the author before so I had no expectations for this book. The blub made it sound like something a bit different and it certainly was. Fargo is one of the most interesting and compelling fictional characters I've read in a while. He makes terrible choices and most people can relate to this, I know I can. One bad choice leads and another and another and things spiral out of control. I was on his side from the first sentence. The world Fargo inhabits is dangerous and his struggle to find his identity makes an unforgettable read. Fargo isn't perfect, far from it but he's painfully real and human. This is not the book I expected but I really enjoyed it.

#FargoBurns #KosKostmayer

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