
Fans React to Blake Shelton Kissing Gwen Stefani’s Son Kingston on Instagram

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear
  • Gwen Stefani's eldest son Kingston James Rossdale celebrated his 14th birthday on Tuesday.
  • Singer No Doubt shared an Instagram video of her boyfriend, Blake Shelton, smothering Kingston with hugs and kisses.
  • Fans loved seeing Blake and Kingston having a sweet time together.

Time flies, even in quarantine.

Tuesday, Gwen Stefani shared comforting words about his older son, Kingston James Rossdale,in honor of its 14th anniversary. "Thank goodness for doing [sic] me HIS MAMMA GX #loveukingstonjames, "she wrote alongside an adolescent Instagram.

Singer No Doubt also posted a sweet video of her boyfriend, Blake Shelton,playfully hugging and kissing Kingston on his special day. Of course, the moment did not last too long - the teenager inevitably moved away when he was in front of the affection of the campaign star.

"Happy b kingking day gx @blakeshelton # 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘," she captioned the Instagram video.

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Fans immediately flooded the comments section with birthday wishes for Kingston and admiration for Blake and Gwen.

"OMG! You love her like that makes my heart swell. No wonder Gwen loves you so much !!" one person wrote to Blake. "Blakes loves him" very sweet! "Another added. "Blake & King are adorable," said another fan.

In the past few months, Gwen and Blake have quarantined together The voice Oklahoma coach's house. Gwen's three sons (Kingston, Apollo, 6 and Zuma, 11) and her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale,They also live there in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anyway, seeing Blake and Kingston get along so well is more than precious. Hopefully Gwen will share more of these frank moments on her Instagram in the future!

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