Entertainment Magazine

Fans of Former Folk Radio WUMB is Reporting a Management Change at WUMB

Posted on the 25 May 2011 by Notlobmusic @notlobmusic
Fans of Former Folk Radio WUMB is reporting a management change at WUMB:
As quitely as he was hired to replace Brian Quinn,  Kim Grehn, the former VP of programming at Connecticut Public Radio, appears to be gone from WUMB, where he served as "Local Program Manager" and fill in "on-air personality."
Until today, Kim had been  listed on the WUMB "Contact" page - http://www.wumb.org/about/contact.php
Dave Palmater is now listed as "Acting Program Manager".
For background read  Psssssssssssttt…WUMB-fm hired a local program manager in November, from Wednesday, December 15, 2010.

Fans of Former Folk Radio WUMB is reporting a management change at WUMB
Source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/fans-of-former-folk-radio-wumb/wumbs-revolving-door-takes-another-spin/225268370832531

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