Leaving the entire nation shocked, Bollywood actress Sridevi passed away at a relatively young age of 54. Sridevi who was in Dubai to attend her nephew Mohit Marwah’s wedding, died due to a cardiac arrest. The news of Sridevi’s death came as a huge shock for the nation. Most of her family members had returned to India but the actress had decided to stay back with her husband Boney Kapoor and her younger daughter Khushi. Her daughter Janhvi is all set to make her Bollywood Debut. She was busy in shooting so she didn’t travel with the family. Sridevi was known as a style icon. Sridevi complete name is Sridevi Boney Kapoor Ayyapan.
Sridevi’s brother in law Sanjay Kapoor confirmed the news and said,”Yes, it is true that Sridevi passed away. I just landed here, I was in Dubai and now I am flying back to Dubai.” Three days back, Sridevi also posted some photos on social media and looked super happy. Her last moments with her family will leave you in tears.
May her soul #RIP.