This is the first series I've decided to take part in and I'm really excited to get started.
As you may have read in one of my more recent Mad Movie Monday posts, Kate over at Centsational Girl is hosting a fun spring/summer session known as the
For two Mondays out of the month she's inviting bloggers to focus on specific topics surrounding the blissful seasons of spring and summer. She's really done a great job coming up with the prompts for the series and today's is the first: Spring Decorating and Cleaning.I've never been one to decorate based on the season {holidays, yes} so spring decorating isn't really an area I have enough knowledge on to discuss with you here. Cleaning on the other hand, I'm quite the professional at!
While I could write for days on my total spring cleaning experience, which is STILL in progress, I thought I would touch specific area that always seems to need a DEEP CLEAN for the spring: the dreaded closet.
Our walk-in closet is a decent size with enough space for both Z and I to fit our clothes comfortably. Of course I would be a big-fat-liar if I said I didn't want more room, but it does the job just fine. See here without anything in it when we first bought the house:
I'm guessing the people before us had something else hanging there on the wall in the bottom right section of the picture... hence the eye sores we quickly covered up with clothes and organizers.
Moving on...ever since I was in high school I've always organized my clothes by color. It just seemed easier to match things when I could focus on a specific color palette. I might be a little nuts for doing this, but it works for me. While my hangers are often satisfactory in their organization, it's everything around it that tends to get a little out-of-wack. Especially if there are corners or cracks where I can "store" things I don't frequently use. Exhibit A: the cluttered corner of crap.
Yeah... crap.
Excess purses, knitting stuff, my beach bag filled with sun tan lotion and swim suits, a lonely bow-tie and some other fun shenanigans. All in a pile, tucked away where I don't have to think about them unless I need to. The fact that it's piled up to the bottom of my clothes makes it look even worse.
Here's the entire collection of everything in that corner, spread out across the bed.
Not really sure how I managed to fit it all in that tiny corner.
Well, it was finally time to do something about it and my spring cleaning endeavors provided the perfect opportunity to make it right. All I needed was a hammer, a few nails, and an accordion-style wall hanger.
I cleared out the clothes from the end under construction ...
... and tacked that sucker right onto the back wall.
I hung up all the bags that weren't currently in use and voila!
Off the floor and still in a place where I can find/access them if and when I need them! They are easy to hide and easy to get to when it comes time to use them again.
Hidden storage is always my favorite because of it's sneaky usefulness.
{readthis: In case you were wondering, the unit I have my jeans in is actually a wooden shoe box I snagged from target many years ago. I like to roll my jeans to keep them from getting a hanger crease and they are much easier to store in individual boxes like these when they are rolled up.}
Next it was time to look a little higher to the shelf above the hangers which before looked like this:
Mess, mess, mess.
A little folding and some strategic placement transformed the top shelf to:
Notice I found a place for the other bags that were in the cluttered corner of crap. They were both filled to the brim and far too heavy and bulky to hang with the others. Not to mention there was plenty of space up top to set them up right.
I even got Z's side looking a little better! I'm such a sweet wife, eh?
The next thing to tackle was the mountain of scarves hanging just outside the closet door. I pulled them all off the rack...
modeled them ALL for fun... and draped them on a strong hanger to be tucked back on the lower shelf of Z's side of the closet.
I really like this lower rack and that it allows us to hang coats and suits we don't often use. The mass of junk in the left corner is nothing but a twin sized comforter, some shoes and an empty storage bin that has yet to make it's way to the attic.
I still didn't get the bin up into the attic {I'll wait for the hubs to do that} but I did tidy it up a bit, sending the comforter back to it's home in the linen closet.
Would you take a look at all that floor room. Now it actually IS a WALK-IN closet not just in name, but in function! TaDa.. nice and clean and ready for me to tear apart again within the week!
Yes, it's just a closet, but knowing that it's slightly more organized now than it was yesterday is a comfort to me.
At least I can mark this project off the spring cleaning list!
Until next time...
Be sure you let me know if you'd like to link up with the Fair Weather Forum and I'll mention you here each week. I'd love to know what spring decorating and cleaning tips my fellow blogger friends use to stay "fresh" for the season!