That's probably because I don't want to jinx myself or my intentions, just quietly chip away.
I had to don my thinking crown to survive Brisbane's recent heatwave, which has thankfully passed.
Lots of cold showers, baths and swims to cool off, dripping, fading hair and preferably little or no clothing.
Waistbands and shoes? Ugh! Too, too much.
Now the heat has abated, I can revisit some of my trusty old summer frock friends, firstly this cotton number called Dorothy, which I bought at a market about six years ago.
It's the first time it's ever really fit properly as it's always been far too big, dropping off my shoulders and wot-not.
Local bakers should thank me for necking so many fruit mince pies.

The palette is called Aquataenia and the colours are saturated and I'd say medium-long lasting using an eye primer.
Manic Panic's Lust Dust, which darling Suzanne gifted me, are more stay-fast and incredibly intense!

This fantastic early-80s Praktica camera leaped out at me, a bargain at $15, I had some unused film in the fridge at home, found the manual online and now it's my new toy.
I enjoy learning how to use it and I love the sound of the shutter clacking away.

I had a bit of a tidy of the sideboard I call my dressing table and The Stylist squealing-ly scored loot galore.
The remaining necklaces ended up neatly arranged on my cork board, earrings hanging off old hangers with crochet covers and other bits and pieces in sweet dishes.

More necklaces, mostly my vintage granny beads.

(Did anyone EVER use those powders?)

Desiree x