
Factorio Save File Location

Posted on the 27 November 2021 by Filelocations

Factorio Save File Location – Find your saves in Windows, Mac & Linux, also the mods locations in each operating system

Find your save files in Windows, Mac & Linux

Factorio Save File Location – Windows

You can find all the Saves and autosaves in your computer, you just need the Windows Save File Location to find the folder


If you don’t know how to find the folder following the path:

  1. Press Windows + R
  2. Copy “%AppData%\Factorio\saves”
  3. Paste it in the run window
  4. Press OK

Factorio Save File Location – Mac

You can find all the Saves and autosaves in your computer, you just need the Mac Save File Location to find the folder

~/Library/Application Support/factorio/saves

If you don’t know how to find the folder following the path:

  1. Open the finder window
  2. Press Command + Shift + G
  3. Copy “~/Library/Application Support/factorio/saves”
  4. Paste it in the text field
  5. Press OK

Factorio Save File Location – Linux

You can find all the Saves and autosaves in your computer, you just need the Linux Save File Location to find the folder


Factorio Save File Location – Mods Folder

Windows Mods Folder Location


If you don’t know how to find the folder following the path:

  1. Press Windows + R
  2. Copy “%AppData%\Factorio\mods”
  3. Paste it in the run window
  4. Press OK

Mac Mods Folder Location

~/Library/Application Support/factorio/mods

If you don’t know how to find the folder following the path:

  1. Open the finder window
  2. Press Command + Shift + G
  3. Copy “~/Library/Application Support/factorio/mods”
  4. Paste it in the text field
  5. Press OK

Linux Mods Folder Location


About Factorio:

Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories. You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production and fighting enemies. In the beginning you will find yourself chopping trees, mining ores and crafting mechanical arms and transport belts by hand, but in short time you can become an industrial powerhouse, with huge solar fields, oil refining and cracking, manufacture and deployment of construction and logistic robots, all for your resource needs. However this heavy exploitation of the planet’s resources does not sit nicely with the locals, so you will have to be prepared to defend yourself and your machine empire.

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