TV & Video Magazine

Facing The Atlantic Team Expected to Arrive in Barbados Today

Posted on the 06 February 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault
Facing The Atlantic Team Expected to Arrive in Barbados Today


Heroic rowers Bertie Portal and James Cash are expected to cross the finish line of the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge today.

After 63 days at sea they are looking forward to setting foot on land again and embrace their ladies Sam and Anna who have arrived in Barbados and will be part of the welcome comity that awaits them.

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Facing The Atlantic Team Expected to Arrive in Barbados Today
You can make a direct donation to Facing The Atlantic here :

Please note: add the code TB4FTA (True Blood for Facing The Atlantic) to the note of your donation so we can keep track of how much was donated by True Blood / Stephen Moyer fans.


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