Entertainment Magazine

Facebook Trends

Posted on the 13 August 2014 by Candornews @CandorNews

Image from www.thenewsnerd.com

Image from http://www.thenewsnerd.com

I think the most annoying thing in cyberspace would have to be these stupid trends on Facebook. Also known as challenges, the only limits they’re pushing are my frustration ones. Fitness challenge, ice challenge, cinnamon challenge, the fire challenge. Please tell me someone else is seeing how ridiculous this is becoming?

It starts out so innocent! The 30 day fitness challenge. Watch me transform over the course of this month! Yeah, okay, I can see that. Don’t get me wrong – it’s horribly annoying, but if it inspires you… why not? The cinnamon challenge first blew my mind. You intentionally swallow so much cinnamon that you vomit. Or just gag a lot. This, ladies and gentlemen, truly terrified me. This generation is so stupid that we are actually following each other to our own demise. You know that by swallowing a spoon full of a cinnamon, nothing pleasant is going to come from it. So why, exactly, are we doing it? Well, I can tell you that Facebook likes has nothing to do with it. Please, let me point out the sarcasm here. We judge the success of our lives on the amount of likes we get on a social media site. Remember when Myspace was the popular outlet? How much do we care about those likes?

Let’s move on to the Facebook and Youtube fire challenge. And yes, it’s absolutely as horrifying as it sounds. I don’t exactly know what the point of said challenge is, but the general gist is pouring alcohol on yourself and then lighting yourself on fire. After watching a video by InformOverload, unfortunately more people are doing this than I even wanted to think about. As the 3:17 minute video portrays, people are dying from this! I mean, obviously people are dying from this. What else could you expect from pouring nail polish remover down your chest?

I just want you to remind yourselves that one day, Facebook will become the equivalent of Myspace. It doesn’t seem like it right now, but Myspace was all the rage back in the day. These likes are going to fade into the vast nothingness that will eventually become this social media outlet. Use the precious cells that make up your brain, the very cells that allow you to think for yourself.

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