Health Magazine

…Face Reality

By Zer @the2women

…Face Reality

With a week of television it made sense to kick it off with the most popular of all tv genres—reality.

My feelings on the majority of reality television programs is no secret to loyal followers of the Crusade.

But for those who don’t know, if I wanted to watch a group of people fight over God knows what for an hour, well, I would never really want to watch that for an hour.

Of course, I have my exceptions. I do have a thing for cooking related competitions, and I always tune in for the last few episodes of American Idol.

But if you want to start up a conversation about the latest episode of the Bachelor or Jersey Shore, sorry, but you’ll have to go elsewhere.

Reality television has completely warped our society’s perception of reality, and not in a good way. Bad behavior is rewarded, and good behavior (with a few exceptions, of course) gets cancelled.

Now before you get offended and start defending Snooki and/or the Kardashian clan, please remember that despite my lack of support reality television seems to be doing fine.

This ironically named style of entertainment has dominated the television ratings for years, and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon.

…just for fun:

Reality television about reality television…too far-

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