Society Magazine

FAC51 - 10 Reasons While Frugal is Cool - Why the f*** Not! – Round 5 & 15.9s

Posted on the 25 September 2012 by The Contender @The__Contender

FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! – Round 5 & 15.9s

The Hacienda Nightclub - one of my old stomping grounds

Live frugally - what does this mean? MUFF Tribe is frugal but we do not live in a caravan or a tent. We do not eat rice each day for every meal. We do not stay in all the time and play chess. We enjoy socialising even though it costs money.
Frankly MUFF struggles with the word frugal - does this not turn you off? Do you associate lots of un-cool negative connotations with the word. Frugal frugal frugal! Why is that? Let's start again. Let's define frugal as being intelligent with our resources. Let's talk about its benefits for investing, generating wealth and enjoying life.
Early retirement is all about enjoying life to the max. Not giving up all of your best years working for an employer who does not give a shit about you, your well being or your family. They don't want to know, don't care (only if it gives them more control over you). They want for full unconditional obedience and commitment to some bogus corporate cause that benefits the few at your expense.
So frugality is portrayed negatively in society - you are not part of the team / you are not a good consumer. Consumption is good for the economy - debt is productive. Get into debt now and reap the benefits (much) later (when it is time to pay inheritance tax - RIP).
"With greater emphasis on working to live, not living to work, we are creating awareness for simpler solutions, a more creative existence with healthier, happier longevity, for those brave enough to accept the challenge." ~Tracey Smith
FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! – Round 5 & 15.9sThe MUFF Tribe does not have the latest gadgets but we have gadgets. We are careful with our purchases, always making sure we get the best deal with any discounts. We go on holiday and rent a nice cottage or apartment so we do not have to eat out each night at great expense. We make ice cream cones at home before going to the park. We have a fairly expensive German car and enjoy French Wine. We have friends around and birthday celebrations.....we are NORMAL and are FRUGAL.
Please read on for the 10 reasons why frugality is cool in my book. Would they benefit you? (post comments below :))
FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! – Round 5 & 15.9s
  1. You can spend your time on yourself, family and community - not some corporate target 
  2. You only buy stuff that you need
  3. You reduce your energy footprint and time "working" (no 2-hr commute per day in traffic fumes)
  4. You get closer to nature (time for cycling, gardening and walking)
  5. You will be healthier (no work stress if there is you can walk away when you want on your terms)
  6. You will think more independently and be more creative (all of your energy will be directed towards activities you want to do. This will most likely meant that you learn completely new skills and free up all that creativity you called upon in your youth.
  7. Develop critical thinking and suppresses wants (adult thinking and decision making - is this really what I need, is there a cheaper alternative, what if......)
  8. Become more self sufficient and resilient (time to maintain a garden and learn how to look after it, direct excess funds to going off grid and get free energy or increasing that investment income)
  9. Take lower paying but rewarding / cool work (think ski instructor or librarian) or volunteering (building a creche in Africa)
  10. Live life to the full when you are young and able to go clubbing, surfing, skiing. Play with the kids and travel to far away lands to sample new cultures.
FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! – Round 5 & 15.9s
FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! – Round 5 & 15.9s Where will you be in 30 years time? (Hopefully not closed and turned in to flats like the Hacienda Nightclub!!!) Will frugality provide the free capital to invest and achieve financial freedom. Will the extra money give you time off to volunteer and help some needy people in society. What would you do with your hard earned frugal savings?
Key Concept: Frugality is cool it instils discipline and rewards with free time to enjoy life to the full
It is the choices made by millions of people day to day that will have a long lasting legacy for the future. Let's hope frugality plays an important part in saving resources for future generations who can live debt free, excited for the future on our exceptional planet.

FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! – Round 5 & 15.9s

Olympic Legacy? Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Be free, be cool, be happy, be frugal :)
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