Lordy, Lordy, looks who's forty! I celebrated my fortieth birthday this past weekend. Shh, don't tell the Chic at Every Age gals! AH, I know! It's a big deal that I've hit the big FOUR ZERO!! Can I just tell everyone that I turned thirty-two again? Ha!
Mr. S and I had a beautiful staycation at The Ritz-Carlton in Dallas. I know! So fancy, right?! He was the one who suggested it, so who was I to argue?! ;) I shared random parts of our weekend on Instagram Stories and SnapChat. We enjoyed UNINTERRUPTED conversation. WOW! We barely remember that exists! Just kidding but it was really so nice to catch up with my husband. I miss him!
This was my birthday dinner outfit for dinner and dessert at The Mansion. Again, who am I to complain when he suggested it?! I'm IN LOVE with this sweater dress - the color, the cold shoulders, and the length! It's very elegant but modern at the same time! I read reviews and people complained about the flap going up when moving arms, but that can easily be fixed at the tailor. It didn't bother me during the evening. BTW, it keeps getting restocked so check back if they're out of your size.
To keep it classic, I went for gold accessories and wore my vintage Chanel belt as a bracelet! Why not?! Those earrings are also vintage Chanel but look like the designer Rebecca de Ravenel 's creations! I LOVE it when fashion history repeats itself because I usually have some vintage piece that fits the trend.
silver star clutch MIU MIU {past season, similar}
earrings VINTAGE CHANEL {similar splurge or save}
belt worn as bracelet VINTAGE CHANEL {similar splurge or save}
ring stack IOSSELLIANI
heels TABITHA SIMMONS {similar splurge or save}

And although it was great to have time to ourselves, we missed our little ones. It was such a joy to see them when we got home.
Every night when putting Little M to bed, we say the Lord's Prayer and something that we are thankful for that day. He used to state random things like the color green, but lately, he has understood the concept and says that he is thankful for Daddy, Mommy, and Baby MJ. I thought that it would be special to list FORTY things that I am THANKFUL for on my fortieth birthday.
- A loving and supportive husband // We met when I was seventeen, and I'm so thankful that God put him in my life. We've been married for 13 years and will grow old together. I can't imagine life without him, and he is my best friend.
- Two beautiful children // God has blessed us with two little angels through adoption. During my 30th and 35th birthday, I was upset not because of my age but because we didn't have children. We had been trying for 3 and 8 years, respectively, and now I feel like Little M and Baby MJ were made for us.
- My wonderful family // I love my mom and two younger brothers. My father passed away when I was seventeen, and my mom has been the rock of our family. She is amazing, and I learn kindness and to appreciate unique style from her. I've gained two more brothers and loving parents through marriage. They are the best!
- My amazing friends // I have lifelong friends that are so dear to me. We can pick up right where we left off even if it's been a day or months.
- My blogger friends // It's crazy to have "blogger friends" but I would have never met them (Cathy and Heather) in my day-to-day life if it weren't for the blog. Now, they are some of my closest friends. And I've gotten to meet other wonderful people through the blog. It's such a fantastic community.
- My mom friends // Boy, they help keep me grounded and it's so helpful to know that my threenager isn't the only one going through these tantrums!
- My furkid Franklin // He's the last one of the three furkids left. He is such a good dog, and I need to remember that he is here with us for such a short while. My furkids got lower on the totem pole when the little ones arrived. When Toby passed away last week, my heart broke and it was a swift kick in the butt to take advantage of time with our pets.
- My job // I'm lucky to work with incredible people and that they have me even though I work just part-time.
- Our home // I'm almost finished decorating (years later) and we really feel like it's coming together as a reflection of us!
- My health // Knock on wood. I was diagnosed with endometriosis years ago, had two surgeries, and it's come back. However, I don't have symptoms and my doctor states that nothing needs to be done unless it becomes problematic.
- Converting to Catholicism // The journey made me feel closer to God and brought Mr. S and I closer together.
- Owning a VW Beetle once in my life // It is hands down my favorite car of all times. I had always wanted one in high school. I finally got one after I graduating from college when my car broke down on the side of the Dallas Tollway. I had to walk into the neighborhood and knock on doors until someone let me use their phone to call Mr. S (who was my boyfriend at the time). This was pre-cellphone days! They existed but I didn't have one!
- Having to work since I was sixteen // It taught me the meaning of work ethic and working hard to get what I want.
- Living in Dresden, German for two months // We lived there for Mr. S's fellowship in 2008 and it was one of the best experiences we've ever had - a life changer. Such a beautiful city and country.
- Visiting Paris // It was a dream and I've now had a chance to be there three times. I've come home with some beautiful souvenirs.
- Being able to blog // I've been so thankful to have all of the opportunities to meet people and travel to places because of this blog. It's given me life-long friends and great memories.
- Discovering Paleo // It was then that I REALLY learned how to cook!
- Trying Crossfit // It made me realize that mental strength could overcome physical strength, and I felt braver than I ever have in my life.
- Adoption // We wouldn't have our sweet babies if it weren't for the miracle of adoption.
- Loving vintage // All pieces have a story.
- Early mornings before everyone wakes up
- Sunday afternoons after church hanging out in the Water Gardens
- Costco // LOL! Our whole house is filled with things from Costco!
- Amazon Prime // How could did we live before that?! Ha!
- Being a dreamer // If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.
- Seeing Big Ben in person // We visited London before Little M was born!
- Being able to paint // I don't do it as often because of time constraints but it is another way to express myself.
- Inheriting Grandma's vintage clothing and jewelry
- Listening to others
- Having an old soul
- Fall in Texas
- Beautiful Sunsets
- Living in Austin during Pharmacy School // That's where Mr. S and I got engaged. I love that city!
- Good coffee // That is my vice!
- Netflix // and chill... Just kidding! But really, Mr. S and I love watching Netflix on the weekends.
- Having my father's jade necklace // He passed away when I was eighteen, and I wore his necklace as a bracelet during my wedding. He ALWAYS wore this necklace so it means so much to me.
- Being an optimist // I used to feel self-conscious because people would tell me that I'm "too happy" or "too chipper". But I AM HAPPY and joyful, and THAT's OKAY! One of my coworkers nicknamed me "Samshine", and I LOVE it!
- Wearing grey contacts when I was younger // even when I didn't need corrective lenses to make me realize that I should like my BROWN eyes and all of my self (and imperfections). This is how God made me!
- The smell after a big rain
- God
If you got to the end, THANK YOU!!! Hope you have a fabulous rest of the week!