Logos are essential for business branding and are often required before you begin promoting your product. Your logo should be the best representation of your company, other than great products and customer service. Put a lot of forethought into your logo before you launch your business, as they communicate to your customer what you’re all about. You can find out more logo ideas by reading more.
Get a Versatile Logo
When you design a logo, don’t just create one without any pre-planning. You should attempt to stylize your logo with different versions and alternating colors. This way, you can incorporate your logo on your website, email newsletters, business cards, flyers, and banners. Your logo won’t always look the same; it can be similar or have different matching colors. When you give out promotional gear, you may also want to have an adaptive logo. For example, for a hat, mug, or other gear you’d like to give to customers for free or to employees, you may want to use just an icon in your logo rather than the entire name of the company.
Keep It Simple
Overly complicated logos can be confusing and also make them look outdated. Simple logos are more modern and sleek. They also communicate what your business represents, helping customers understand what industry you’re in and what type of services you’ll provide. A straightforward logo is the best way to represent your company, and it makes it easier for you to put your logo in many different formats compared to a more elaborate one.
Work With a Professional
Don’t try to make your logo by yourself using scribbles off of a napkin. Put a lot of thought into your logo and present it to a professional who can help you. This will save you a lot of time and a headache from creating poorly designed logos that look unprofessional.
Use a Logo Designer
To save yourself money, you can make a logo that doesn’t require a professional. Logo designers allow you to create logos from scratch using basic templates that you can customize. This will make it easier for you to experiment and try new logos without requiring constant back and forth communication with a hired graphic designer. It will also be far less expensive, as plenty of free logo designers are available that can provide that service. Even if a logo designer costs money, it is far cheaper than hiring a graphic designer.
Use Attractive Font
You can browse through fonts that will make your logo pop. Pick a font that is easy to read and attractive to look at. Don’t pick a font that is too funky or bizarre, as this can turn off customers. The logo’s font should be simple but stylish, showing some of your business’s character but without being too distracting.
Ignore Trends
You should forget about popular trends in logos. These trends come and go quickly, where you will have to redesign your logo when the fad dies. Stick to a logo that is evergreen and will last you several years.
Accurately Represent Your Business
Don’t get a logo that is misleading or confusing. You want to communicate what your business is about through your logo. Business branding is highly dependent on a logo that is relevant to your industry or product line. For example, for a classic toy company, you can incorporate a spinning top or a teddy bear into your logo to show the type of items you provide.
Make it Colorful
Don’t go with a boring black and white or all gray logo, even if you prefer simplicity. Incorporate color so that your logo is eye-catching. Colors are great for employee gear, promotional items, and websites. This makes your company more interesting at surface value.
Have Design Flow
Your logo should flow when you look at it. The shape should be cohesive and not have clashing elements. For example, if there are two lines, the wording should be centered or staggered. If there are any shapes, the wording can overlap or be entirely inside the shape. The logo should also direct the eyes when read and have a good format.
More on Best Practices for Eyecatching Logos
Choose an eyecatching logo so that you can stand out from your competitors. You can also show customers how great a company you are with a logo that is professional and fun to look at. Try to browse logo ideas before making one from scratch and review the logos your competitors are currently using. When you start a new logo, try different designs first to see what fits best with your overall website look. Make sure it is adaptive so that you can incorporate your logo on a variety of mediums.