Religion Magazine

Extremists to Leave! Dayeinu

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
It seems US President Donald Trump has informed head of the PA Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of his intentions to now fulfill his campaign promise regarding moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
There is a lot to discuss about this.
The best part of it though, in my opinion, is the report Kikar has in which the extremists of Jerusalem say this is the final straw and if it actually gets announced it could cause them to leave Eretz Yisrael for other countries!
I am not sure who they think they are threatening and who will be sad about this, if it happens. Maybe they think the residents of the potential countries they might move to might be upset and threatened by the thought of possibly having them as neighbors soon and therefore might pressure Trump to cancel his plans. I don't think too many people in Israel outside of Mea Shearim and RBS B will miss them.
If all the embassy move accomplishes is to get the extremist thugs out of our lives, dayeinu
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