Since the municipal election of Bet Shemesh was challenged, and eventually canceled and a revote ordered, there has been much discussion about whether the extremists will or should vote in the [as of now] upcoming elections.
The theory is that this time around, the second election, Abutbol will need their vote much more than he previously did, and they will also recognize that their "power" and leverage is at risk if Abtutbol would lose, so Abutbol will use his influence to get them to vote, as a one-time event. Sort of a horaat sha'a - an emergency situation. And they will be willing to knowing how much they have to lose should Abutbol lose, and to help the Haredi community, as a one-time thing.
I said there is no way they would officially take a stand of voting for Abutbol (while some individuals might), and they should not. I am personally in favor of every person voting (only once!) if they are valid voters, but I recognize that part of a persons democratic right to vote is also his right to not vote. Not voting is also a democratic statement. Plus, I would not want them to break their ideology, and I don't think they would, even though I do not agree with it. And, the calls for them to vote forget to take into account that technically they are as opposed to what they call "Haredi Zionists", the majority of the Haredi community that participates in Israel society and government, as they are opposed to everyone else. There is no way they would help them, at least overtly.
It seems I was probably right. For now, at least.
The Eida has publicized its decision, via pashkevil, saying that they protest that the haredi parties do not represent the true haredi Judaism, and thousands of haredim of Bet Shemesh listen to daas torah and will not participate in the elections for mayor or city council. They go on to attack the haredi parties who are fighting in the Zionist courts and even says they are bringing about destruction.
Anybody still think they might take an official stance and vote?
And in a semi-related note, the Supreme Court has announced a date for the hearing on the request to appeal filed by Abutbol and the haredi parties. Because the original court case was not criminal but administrative in nature, an appeal cannot be filed until they make a request to appeal and that is accepted. The request to appeal was filed, and will be heard on January 23, next week Thursday, at 9am. The case will be heard by Justices Asher Gronis, Elyakim Rubnistein and Uzi Fogelman.
From what I understand, and I might be wrong, the Cohen camp has until four days prior to the court date to respond and explain why the request to appeal should not be granted.
After that, it will depend on the Supreme Court, and there is no specific timeline they must adhere to.