Are you going on holiday this year? If you’re not planning anything, then why not take a trip to Denmark? It’s where LEGO was invented, and now it looks a bit like LEGO too, because Denmark has been recreated in Minecraft. Yes, all of it. Every single house, field, and stone.
The 1:1 scale model of Denmark has been produced by the Danish GeoData Agency, and is exceptionally detailed. It’s so big that it has been cut into three parts, because the whole map wouldn’t fit on one server.
You can visit the server using these three ip addresses: or or Each on is for one of the three parts of the map. Whilst you’re there you can just admire the scenery or even destroy something! But the Danish GeoData Agency asks that anyone who blows something up should build something to replace it.
Have you visited Minecraft Denmark? Let us know what you thought in the comments! And if you’re looking for some amazing other Minecraft models, check out our Minecraft builds pages.