Brits can expect to start suffering headaches and migraines at the age of 24, back problems at 33 - and get their first grey hair at 39, a study has found.
The study of 2,000 adults revealed the age we can expect to get struck with certain ailments, with dodgy ankles creeping in at the age of 32 and weak knees a problem by 37.
It also emerged most women get hot sweats by the time they're reach 50, while the average Brit will be moaning of arthritis and joint pain by 40.
And despite keeping fit when they were young, one in five said they now suffer from problems due to historic sporting injuries.
The poll found the main concerns for Brits were the health of their heart, memory problems and high stress levels.
A spokesman for vitamin brand Healthspan, which has launched a personalised supplement service, Uniquely You, said: "It's inevitable that as we age we will get more health complaints, as youngsters you are more resilient and can shake things off far quicker.
"The research shows by the time we reach our thirties, everyday ailments like joint pain, headaches and digestive problems are more common place.
"Even those who have kept up a fitness regime throughout their twenties are often set back by problematic ankles, knees and backs."
The poll also found more than half said once they hit 30 the ailments, started racking up, with two thirds saying they can feel their health deteriorating as they get older.
Contrary to this - a quarter said they feel better than they have felt in a long time with four in ten said on the whole they are ageing better than their parents did, with 60 per cent claiming they take better responsibility for their health the older they get.
Four in ten adults said they felt at their fittest while in their twenties, although a quarter said it was in their thirties they felt at their peak health wise.
More than half said things like cold weather affected their health much more as they got older with 15 per cent claiming broken bones from earlier life causing them gyp in the cold weather.
Three in ten also said certain lifestyle choices they made when they were younger were rearing their head as the years go by.
The biggest contributor to current ailments were found to be a poor diet, lack of exercise, too much booze and lack of sleep.
Smoking and too much sun exposure were also bad habits people listed for poor health now.
One in ten blamed working shifts for ill health and a quarter said a highly stressful job has contributed to some of the ailments they suffer from.
The study also found that the typical Brit gets sick three times a year but doesn't visit a doctor.
Although nine in ten adults were in agreement that people should take more responsibility for their health as they got older.
Despite the study showing that the typical Brit takes one vitamin a day, 36 per cent are confused over what supplements they should be taking.
In fact, 31 per cent of people claim they have packets and bottles of health supplements that have been sat in the cupboard unused for a year or more.
More than half say they just forget to take them and a quarter say they were going through a health kick when they bought them.
A spokesman for Healthspan, Uniquely You added: "Every week there is differing advice on what we should all be eating, drinking and how much exercise we should be getting, so it's understandable that knowing what supplements we should all be taking is confusing for people."
Rob Hobson, Uniquely You Nutritionist said: "It's important to remember that what applies to someone suffering from joint pain will differ to that of someone with digestive problems and the one-size fits all model no longer works.
"People want to personalise their nutrition and two thirds of those polled said they want supplements that are personal to their own health concerns.
"We tailor the combination of supplements to an individual's needs, so whatever your health concern, we can find the right combination of supplements for you.
"Everything about health and wellbeing is moving towards personalisation.
"Research has already unveiled links between specific nutrients and disease protection, and this will inevitably evolve over time, especially with the growing interest in areas such as nutrigenomics, where your own genetic make-up could dictate the way you eat."
Age of ailments
Headaches and migraines - 24
Weak ankles - 32
Back ache - 33
Weak knees - 37
Grey hair - 39
Joint pain/arthritis - 40
Hot sweats - 50