This year was the 14th CVV Sharing group living in Northern Germany from Saturday, 18 March – Tuesday 21 March. The energy of synthesis brought us together in this time-space of the Spring Equinox in the spirit of the One Master Energy.
The seminar hallWe were 18 persons meeting for 4 days at the Seminarhof Drawehn. We followed a rhythm of prayers / meditation times each 3 hours, exchanges and group activities for tuning in to the energies of the present moment – equinox time, Pluto entering Aquarius – and for a wakeful observing the energies at work and sharing our impressions.
The labyrinth in the gardenA cold but beautiful weather gave us a morning welcome during the fire ritual after meditation.
Later, everyone brought something from themselves, and the things, texts and symbols were arranged on a table as the group altar.
We had an inspiring and profound exchange about encounters with Sri Kumar and how he had impregnated our lives. There were meditative group works, visualisations and contemplations, like an exchange in small groups on the Master CVV Sharing prayer given by Sri Kumar.
And there was also time for free exchanges and for walks in nature. Frank from Berlin gave us a guitar concert on musical topics of springtime.
And Basia, an artist from Berlin, had prepared many origami peace doves. She also conducted some morning warm-up exercises with the group.
The evenings concluded with the “Mystic Mantrams” of Master CVV – on Monday evening around 10:24 pm we tuned in to the entrance of the Sun into Aries, spring equinox.
Contemplating the sunriseAll felt that such meetings need to be continued but it also was expressed that these gatherings are not automatic events but are prepared and carried through with the help of helpers. Next year, we will meet again at the same place from Monday 18th to Thursday 21st March 2024.