The discussion is basically have we gone to far with creating elaborate "shalachmanos"? Are we spending our money on "the wrong things"? Are we making it more difficult for those less fortunate? How inappropriate can we get? Someone giving that shouldnt but should give more matanot laevyonim. etc.
Whatever the answer is to any of those questions, feel free to send one of those boards my way. I would be honored to be gifted such a mishloach manot.
I am sorry, but this is not driving up the cost of living. Nobody who cannot afford it is going to give this just because someone else gave it. There probably won't even be more than a few orders of this, and those will likely be high end gvirim giving a gift for business connections and political connections and the like. The rest of us Dovid, Chaim, and Hershels are not going to start giving these boards out to our friends just because some gvir gave this to a business associate.
People can spend their hard earned money however they like, and while I might hope they are giving equally as generously to matanot laevyonim, that is also their own business, not mine.
And again, I would be honored to receive such a board.
And I would expect this to come with a years subscription to Mochers Magazine.
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