Society Magazine

Ex-smokers Believe E-cigs Are Healthier

Posted on the 04 May 2016 by 72point @72hub
Those under 35 are less convinced of the safety of e-cigs with only 52% of 18-24 year olds saying they thought they were healthier

A survey of 500 converted vapers revealed that 66% thought vaping e-cigarettes was a healthier alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes.

With the on-going debate around the long term effects of vaping e-cigarettes, E-Cig Reviews wanted to go directly to those using e-cigarettes and find out what they thought about the health benefits of vaping.

There has been numerous reports, for and against, the health benefits of e-cigarettes. With the NHS recently announcing plans to release e-cigarettes on prescription, the debate was re-ignited. This time Public Health England released their own reports, showing that e-cigarettes were actually 95% less harmful than normal cigarettes.

Those fighting against the widespread and openly public use of vape sticks, argue that there is not enough research around the chemicals used in e-liquid, and their effects on both the vaper and those exposed to the exhaled vapour. As e-cigarettes are relatively new to the market, they have not yet been tested long term. Those that have made the switch still have doubts about what harm the e-liquid has on their bodies, as 22% of those surveyed said they still weren't sure.

The increased media attention since the NHS announcement seems to be having more of an effect on the younger vapers however, as 70% those over the age of 35 said they were sure of the benefits of e-cigs, compared to only 52% of 18-24 year olds and 59% of 25-24 year olds feeling confident in their switch. Those that have been smoking for longer seem to feel that despite the uncertainty around e-cigs, they are still a better alternative to their usual cigarettes.

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