Debate Magazine
Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on Black Rain
Posted on the 21 July 2011 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
it's been a while since I featured any of his update videos but Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds Associates is still reporting that the situation in Fukushima is still WORSE THAN THREE MILE ISLAND and CHERNOBYL combined! In fact, the National Cancer Centre in Tokyo itself is completely contaminated by 30X more radiation outside than inside the facility.
Ultimately, this is a report about BLACK RAIN... and lethally CONTAMINATED FOOD CHAIN for the next decade or more.
...but this is EXACTLY THE SAME ARGUMENT as the GMO-crop contamination of the countryside. The Authorities (as the media likes to call them) always seem to 'wish upon a star' that their guesstimates will hold water. It's like they're doing crossed-fingers research, hoping realitiy won't bite them in the ass. And Fukushima will surely bite the nuclear industry in the ass, as GMO will surely bite future grain production in the ass.
Ultimately, this is a report about BLACK RAIN... and lethally CONTAMINATED FOOD CHAIN for the next decade or more.
...but this is EXACTLY THE SAME ARGUMENT as the GMO-crop contamination of the countryside. The Authorities (as the media likes to call them) always seem to 'wish upon a star' that their guesstimates will hold water. It's like they're doing crossed-fingers research, hoping realitiy won't bite them in the ass. And Fukushima will surely bite the nuclear industry in the ass, as GMO will surely bite future grain production in the ass.