Do you have a dog that has been wetting the bed while he or she have been sleeping? Are you concerned that this problem could potentially be something serious?
We more than understand the concern you may have for your canine friend, as wetting the bed could be a sign of many potential health issues with your dog. Not only that, but cleaning the constant mess can become a chore!
Today we will help to answer the questions you have about why your dog is wetting the bed. To do this, we will take a look at the various potential causes of the problem, as well as how to remedy the issue and put your mind at ease.
Age Is A Factor
The age of your dog can have a lot to do with their bladder control issues, as both puppies and elderly dogs are known to have accidents at night.
As is the case with many toddlers, young puppies have a high frequency for peeing in their bed. At a young age, a puppy will have next to no control over their bladder, meaning there will probably be a lot of nights leaving you with messes to clean. Thankfully, with time and proper house training, this problem can be easily solved.
On the opposite side of the spectrum are elderly dogs, who can sometimes lose control of their bladders at night as they get on in age. This is an issue that may come and go as the dog gets older, but visiting your vet can help you to get a treatment for your dog, as well as help to rule out any other potential cause for the incontinence.
Has Your Dog Been Recently Spayed?
While it is recommended to get your dog spayed if you don't want to wake up to any "puppy surprises", doing so can have an effect on the bladder control of a female dog.
When a dog is spayed, the amount of estrogen in their body decreases. This estrogen is needed to help the dog keep their bladder muscles strong, allowing them to maintain control of their urine. As the bladder muscles grow weaker, or as the dog gets older, her bladder muscles will become weak, which will lead to them peeing their bed.
Should this be the cause of your dog wetting the bed, then you can rest easy knowing that this problem can be treated with medication. This condition is, however, one that will likely last for the rest of your dog's life.
How Much Does Your Dog Drink?
Have you noticed your dog drinking a lot more water lately than he or she used to before? If so, then this can lead it to wet their bed at night, as the excess water is trying to force itself out of the dog's body, even as they sleep.
To remedy this, you first need to rule out the reason why your dog is drinking so much water, which can be because of any of the following:
- Diabetes.
- Cushing's Disease.
- Addison's Disease.
- Medication Side Effects.
- Recent Changes in Diet.
The best way to identify for sure what may be causing your dog's increased thirst is to pay a visit to the vet. Once you and your vet figure out what the problem is, then you will be able to figure out how best to treat the problem.
Injuries And Neurological Disorders
A dog's urethral sphincter and bladder are controlled by impulses sent from the dog's brain, through its nerves, and down its spinal column. Should the dog at any point in life receive any injuries to their brain, spine, or nerves, this can, in turn, affects the control of their urine, leading to bedwetting.
Injury is not the only thing that can affect these parts of a dog's body, either, as numerous diseases, including cancer, can wreck havoc on the poor pooches' body, and as a consequence cause incontinence. As we have said before, it is important in this case to get your dog to the vet, as it can help you to pinpoint the issue and treat it.
Peeing The Bed While Awake
If you find that your dog is not wetting the bed while asleep, but rather doing it consciously, then it can be caused by a few issues:
In today's article, we covered:
- Why your dog may be peeing in its sleep.
- Other reasons for them peeing in the house at night.
- How to take care of the problem.
By taking a look at these topics, we have tried to help you get a better idea of what your dog peeing in its sleep may mean, allowing you to nip the issue in the bud and get your dog back to a healthier (and cleaner!) life.