When I was a first time mom, I quickly discovered how easy it was for my child to get a diaper rash. Early treatment always helped prevent my own kids from getting a diaper rash that needed medical attention. However, that all depends on how sensitive your child’s skin is. My older son had more trouble but he has very sensitive skin. He was more prone to get a yeast infection and I had to seek treatment from the pediatrician. Today, I wanted to share some tips on preventing and treating your child’s diaper rash.
Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only. If your child has a diaper rash that won’t go away, seek immediate medical attention.
“Diaper” and “rash” are two fairly harmless words, but put the two together and parents cringe. Unfortunately, nearly every baby will have it at least once. Some are under the impression that only babies left to sit in wet diapers are susceptible, but this is hardly the case.
Identifying diaper rash is not hard. The skin is red and irritated. It may even be a little warm and puffy. The second you notice it, you want to treat it!
You can be a diligent diaper changer, but if your baby has extra sensitive skin, they can develop a rash pretty fast. Even the best diapers don’t absorb every bit of moisture. Babies with diarrhea or frequent bowel movements are more prone because the bacteria in stool mixes with urine and creates ammonia, which is harsh on the skin.
If the diaper is rubbing it can cause a rash.
Fragrances in disposable diapers and detergents used to wash cloth diapers can cause a reaction. Powders and lotions can be to blame too, which is why you want to use unscented, natural products.
New Foods
Changes in stool composition occur when new foods are introduced. If you breastfeed, their rash could be from something new you are eating.
Yeast and bacteria flourish in warm, moist environments, and can cause a rash. This is more commonly seen in children taking antibiotics.
Frequent Bowel Movements
I remember when I was breastfeeding my youngest son, he would have frequent bowel movements and I was constantly changing his diaper. However, he still got a nasty diaper rash. Even though I was treating his diaper rash with Desitin I ended up having to take him to the dr because it turned into a yeast infection. His bum was red, raw, and looked like it was about to bleed.